Favourite songs of 2018!

Hello beauties,

Today I am going to share with you my favourite tunes of 2018. I am a big music lover so this is a big deal to me, trust me there are so tunes!!

img_2222-1James Arthur – Empty Space

James has always been a favourite of mine and if you have followed my blog for a while you will know I adore him! Every song fails to disappoint. If you haven’t heard this yet – I highly recommend.

Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper – Shallow

This song… I cannot even explain. I freaking love it!!! I never knew Lady Gaga had a voice like that. I balled my eyes out listening to this, it was incredibly emotional and raw. I never saw the movie in the cinema as it wasn’t something I thought I would like however after hearing this song I’ve been looking all over and have pre-ordered the DVD. If anyone else loves this song let me know!!

Dalton Harris and James Arthur – The Power of Love

I first heard this song when Gabrielle Aplin covered a while ago, I was obsessed with her voice. Well anyways I hadn’t heard of the song in a while heard this on the X Factor final. I used to be very into the X Factor watching it every year however its become worse and worse throughout the years, becoming very fixed. In saying this I was routing or Dalton to win, who better for him to sing with than the man himself, James.

Eminem and Ed Sheeran – River

I know this wasn’t 2018 but I have been obsessed with it, a old school Eminem vibe with Ed Sheeran is what dreams are made of. I used to love all Eminems old tunes like Mockingbird, Stan, Beautiful, Lose Yourself, then his music began to change and left me missing the old style of music. BAMM, my dreams come true with this little number. Obsessed.

Anne-Marie – Perfect To Me

A feel good song, something to raise your self-esteem whilst making you feel brilliant. She’s Basically singing about how she isn’t perfect, explain all her flaws and how they make her perfect. If i’m having a low day then this is the track for me and possibly for you too. I love Anne-Marie she did a cover of dangerous women which I will never forget, I will link a cover for any Anne-Marie lovers!!


Thats my list complete, share you favourites below. Love Alex.xox

Easy Nail Art Ideas

Hello, it’s been a while! I’ve been messing about with uni and work, just life really. Well fast forward a waste of a year. Uni really isn’t for me, I didn’t get along with the work load or the way university works in general, it’s not for me. Anyways here I am, back as ever I can not wait to get started again. I hope you all enjoy my content❤️

So I’ve been very into my nail art lately and have been messing around with some easy ideas! These first ones are animal prints and animal designs (with a Pokémon ball on the end there)

These were really easy to create with a black nail art pen and dotting tools which cost less than £5! You can even use a hair grip or anything really as a dotting tool. The cat is my favourite! What’s yours:)

I tried a little bit of a Halloween theme for these ones! Except my Jason nail looks nothing like Jason. I love the multicoloured eyes, there are so cute! This is my first attempt of nail art so if I can do it, you can!

These are just standard cute nails, I tried stamping for the first time on the yellow nail however it didn’t work to well, it don’t know why but practise makes perfect right! I love the daisy nail again made with a simple dotting tool.

I thought I would share my first nail art attempts with you. I really am enjoying nail art and would love your opinions and Ideas to create other designs.

Let me know what you think! What’s your favourite nail and have you recreated any of these😊

Alexandra xox