L’Oréal Paris Infallible TOTAL COVER foundation review

Hello beauts, my blog is back. To kick things off I am starting with a well overdue foundation review followed by a very exciting beauty and clothing haul tomorrow. So let’s get to the point the L’Oréal Infallible foundation..

Now first off the bottle is a yes from me, I definitely prefer plastic to glass foundation bottles. Yes glass is visually pleasing however is it worth the sudden rush of panic every time your bag of goods is dropped(plus if your clumsy like me-that’s often). I brought this after many good reviews it cost £9.99 from Superdrug on a 3for2 deal, because it was 3for2 I thought I would go all out and buy the L’Oréal beauty blender too-it wouldn’t feel right not too.

We will just ignore the upside down photo and the dirty beauty blender. The consistency for this product was a shock to me, it’s a thick mousse not in the slightest oily which is perfect for my acne prone skin. This applied smoothly, blendable and true to colour so there was no nasty surprises. Now this claims to be ‘total cover’ so it’s only right to talk about that, it’s BRILLIANT all the red blotches gone. Due to the consistency I expected a heavy feel but that wasn’t there, I forgot the foundation was there. I’ve tried many foundations and I actually gave up using it for a year due to not being able to find the perfect one for my difficult skin, and I bit the bullet and brought this beauty. My new makeup holy grail. L’Oréal Infallible.

That’s all from me beauts, leave below your comments and opinions on this foundation. 🙂


Things not to say to someone with a mental illness

Hello beauties, i love reading these types of posts as I can somewhat relate to them. So I thought I would share my opinions of ‘What not to say to someone with a mental illness’. 

1. Your not OCD, people will OCD are clean.

This one just makes me laugh. OCD is no where near just being clean or neat, that’s only a small section of the disorder. OCD has many different sections such as checking, intrusive thoughts, magical thinking and many more. 

2.  Stop taking your antidepressants, you will feel better

I really don’t like hearing this one as it makes the person feel ashamed of taking the medication. 

3. Your such a emo

Self harm is a very complicated thing, people shouldn’t be defined by it and definitely not stereotyped by this. If you notice that someone is self harming, this is the worst thing to say. 

4.  Just be happy, get out of bed and be happy 

For some people the basic tasks of day to day life are too much. 

5. Stop attention seeking 

It’s a cry for help not attention seeking.

6. She did that because of her mental illness 

Not everything someone does is a result of their mental illness.

7. I was depressed for a few days once, I know how you feel. 

Simple answer. No you don’t 

Top songs to help you through a hard time!

Hello girlies, 

So this is something a little bit different, but I feel it is nessercery – it’s simple really, I love to share my thoughts and feelings plus I love music. I don’t think I have ever mentioned this on my blog before but I am a music student so music is very close to my heart and helps me through tough times. 

1. Lullaby – Nickleback LULLABY (link)

I love this song I really do, the lyrics are so deep and ,meaningful. I love this song because I can really relate to the words Chad is singing, and he’s singing about depression but in a positive way he’s explaining if your feeling low listen to the song (the lullaby )  I have to say it really does help cheer you up! 

2. Fight Song – Rachael Platten FIGHT SONG (link) 

Now this song is a little happier lyrically it’s about fighting through, taking back your life and being strong. The song itself makes you feel powerful when listening to it – a instant mood lifter! Weather it’s a hard day at work/school/uni or your sick or even your just feeling like you need some motivation, this is the song for you!

3. Recovery – James Arthur RECOVERY (link)

I love James Arthur, everything he sings means something and you can almost feel his pain due to the emotion in his voice when performing. This song is essentially about ‘recovery’ the lyrics read ‘in my recovery I’m a solider at war, I have broken down walls, I defined, I designed my recovery’. I think that pretty much explains it all. Your recovery from exams to eating disorders or depression. ‘I defined, I designed my recovery’ your in control.

4. F**k You – Lilly Allen F**K YOU (link) 

This is pure genius. If someone has done something to get your down or your just not feeling people at this time – listen to this on repeat; it’s brilliant.

5. F**k You Right Back  F**K YOU RIGHT BACK (link) 

The ultimate break up song, if your feeling guilty about a break up, your upset it ended or you broke up with someone because they weren’t who you thought. 

Adiòs girlies ❤